Richard Domenico Ehlert
b. 1997, Chicago, IL, United Staes
Resides in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Bachelors of Fine Art, 2015-2019
Glasgow School of Art, Masters of Fine Art Candidate, 2023-Present
Selected Expositions
Company Property, Barras Market, Glasgow, UK (coproducer)
Nightshades, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, UK
MFA Interim Show, Glasgow School of Art, Glue Factory, Glasgow, UK
Oh What a Relief!, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow, UK (exhibitor and curator)
Salon des Inclusions, Reid Building, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow UK
FequalsD: The Wrong Biennale, Space P11 Gallery, 55 E Randolph St, Chicago Pedway System, Chicago, IL 60602
Blooming in Chicago, Le Village Cowork, 3146 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago IL 60618
Popup Print Show, Heaven Gallery, 1550 N Milwaukee, Chicago, IL
June Print Exhibition, Case Gallery, Columbus Drive Building, 280 S Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL (Exhibitor and Curator)
On the Basis of Relief, Case Gallery, Columbus Drive Building, 280 S Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL (Exhibitor and Curator)
Bachelors of Fine Arts Show, Sullivan Galleries, Chicago IL
Senior EXPO, sponsored by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL
Art and Technologies 50th Anniversary Exhibition, 116 S. Michigan Av. Chicago, IL
February Print Exhibition, Case Gallery, Columbus Drive Building, 280 S Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL (Exhibitor and Curator)
March Print Exhibition, Case Gallery, Columbus Drive Building, 280 S Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL (Exhibitor and Curator)
“Artcrush” SITE Gallery: Juried Exhibition, Chicago, IL
Case Gallery, Columbus Drive Building, 280 S Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL (Exhibitor and Curator)
Alternative Image Capture Exhibition, Flex Space, 116 S. Michigan Av. Chicago, IL (Exhibitor and Curator)
Chicago Art Book Fair, Chicago Athletic Club, Chicago, IL
“Art in the Square”: Public exposition of juried artwork in Piazza San Lorenzo, Florence, Italy.
Chiesa di San Jacopo in Campo Corbolini: Exposition sponsored by Istituto Lorenzo de' Medici, Florence, Italy.
2021 Caesura Magazine, Après moi, le déluge: Richard Domenico
2020 Hyperallergic The “Wrong Biennale” Seeks to Create the Right Conditions for Digital Art
2020 plates: an experimental journal of art and culture, issue 02: cipher
Selected Collections
Joan Flasch Artists’ Book Collection, 37 S Wabash Ave, 5th Floor, Chicago, IL 60603